If not now...then when??? I have been saying I want to take part in
Hopeful Threads monthly sewing challenges and just find excuses that keep me away. Well, this month's project is touching close to home so I think maybe I'd better take part. Her challenge this month is for Alzheimer's, Dementia or similar patients. My dad is showing more and more signs of Dementia daily. He refuses to be tested, but Doctors and Nurses say he has it. So I'm thinking I may make one for Hopeful Threads and one for my dad. Sew I'd better be off and see what kind of items I can come up with...to fulfill this challenge. If you want to know more about Hopeful Threads' challenges visit
The Busy Hands Apron is such a great idea. I have seen them be a great source of entertainment for some people with dementia. You are to be commended for making one for both your father and another. That's very thoughtful of you. It is a struggle to work with people who have dementia sometimes. What works for one, may not work for another and what works one day, may not work the next. Caregivers find themselves constantly having to be flexible and try new things. It is an exhausting journey for both the individual with dementia and their caregivers. I was popping over from a Lovely Year of Finishes. I look forward to seeing how your aprons come out.