and yes if you followed the link to the post I gave above. I did make one change. I got rid of the red rick rack. I didn't care for the red it was too bright of a red for the material. I'm glad I did because it was a battle to decide to rip it off. However, my sewing room motto:
Whatsoever a woman sewth that shall she also rip
Here are a few more snaps of the whole project...
I made it so if I wanted to use just the pin cushion I could...
pattern??? No, I just made it up as I went. I saw the pin cushion here, and just made my own pattern. Then I decided I wanted to try my hand at making a thread catcher. I found a tutorial for a thread catcher (I don't remember which site I was at, sew I can't give credit. sorry) I started and completed the thread catcher last year for the pincushion blog hop. Any way another completed project for 2014. ;P
Now I have to get serious about the project for....

because I'm running on RUSH hour time. I went out last weekend looking for some inspiration and all I came home with was....
sew I frantically started digging in my stash. What did I find?????
Not a whole lot of inspiration that is for sure. ARGH!!!! Callgon take me away!
Don't forget this Friday is....
I get to participate as I'll be home alone. Yeah me!!!! Got lots of work to do. Don't know what FNSi is all about check it out here. Sign up is here.
I LOVE your little apple core pincushion and thread catcher! Adorable!