C.H. Spurgeon's Morning Devotional
Friday March 14, 2025

"Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall."-1 Corinthians 10:12
    It is a curious fact, that there is such a thing as being proud of grace. A man says, "I have great faith, I shall not fall; poor little faith may, but I never shall." "I have fervent love," says another, "I can stand, there is no danger of my going astray." He who boasts of grace has little grace to boast of. Some who do this imagine that their graces can keep them, knowing not that the stream must flow constantly from the fountain head, or else the brook will soon be dry. If a continuous stream of oil comes not to the lamp, though it burn brightly to-day, it will smoke to-morrow, and noxious will be its scent. Take heed that thou gloriest not in thy graces, but let all thy glorying and confidence be in Christ and His strength, for only so canst thou be kept from falling. Be much more in prayer. Spend longer time in holy adoration. Read the Scriptures more earnestly and constantly. Watch your lives more carefully. Live nearer to God. Take the best examples for your pattern. Let your conversation be redolent of heaven. Let your hearts be perfumed with affection for men's souls. So live that men may take knowledge of you that you have been with Jesus, and have learned of Him; and when that happy day shall come, when He whom you love shall say, "Come up higher," may it be your happiness to hear Him say, "Thou hast fought a good fight, thou hast finished thy course, and henceforth there is laid up for thee a crown of righteousness which fadeth not away." On, Christian, with care and caution! On, with holy fear and trembling! On, with faith and confidence in Jesus alone, and let your constant petition be, "Uphold me according to Thy word." He is able, and He alone, "To keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy."
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Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Sound of Red Returning by Sue Duffy

Be sure to read to the end of this post as there is a book giveaway included.

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
The Sound of Red Returning
Kregel Publications (December 9, 2011)
Sue Duffy


Sue Duffy is an award-winning writer whose work has appeared in Moody magazine, The Presbyterian Journal, Sunday Digest, and The Christian Reader. She is the author of Mortal Wounds (Barbour, 2001), Fatal Loyalty (Kregel, 2010), and The Sound of Red Returning (Kregel, 2011). Sue has also contributed to Stories for a Woman’s Heart (Multnomah). She and her husband, Mike, have three grown children.


After losing everyone she loves, concert pianist Liesl Bower has nowhere to go but to escape into her music. Searching for the peace she usually finds in her concertos and sonatas, Liesl can't shake the feeling that she is being haunted by her past . . . and by someone following her. When she spots a familiar and eerie face in the audience of a concert she's giving for the president in Washington, DC, the scariest day of her life comes back to her with a flash.

It has been fifteen years since Liesl watched her beloved Harvard music mentor assaulted on a dark night in Moscow and just as long since the CIA disclosed to her that he'd been spying for Russia. She had seen that man-that eerie face-the night Professor Devoe was attacked. And now he's back-and coming for her.


“Sue Duffy has mixed the mayhem of political intrigue with the melody of romance.” —Dick Bohrer, author, editor, and former journalism professor

“Intrigue and suspense come together in an incredible story of love and betrayal, commitment and courage, power and danger . . . and a God who controls it all. Sue Duffy is a wonderfully gifted writer and this book is a must-read.” —Steve Brown, founder and president of Key Life and host of Steve Brown Etc.

If you would like to read the first chapter of The Sound of Red Returning, go HERE.

I have a copy of this book for giveaway.  If you'd like a chance at winning, please leave a comment. Sorry but must limit this to US mailing addresses only.  Since I've been studying for a test here of late I'll make this easy.  Just be a follower of my blog - GFC or email and tell me what you have been doing of late.  I'll draw a winner for this book from those comments that meet requirements on Monday, May 14th.  Be sure to leave a way of contact.  Thanks.


  1. Looks interesting! I would love to read it.

  2. I would love to win a copy of this. Espionage for another country gets one in trouble yesterday once found out. This is the type of book that raises the hair on the back of your neck!

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  3. I thought I entered, but the box ended up empty. So I'm trying again.

    Love books about espionage--gets a person in trouble yesterday!
    Please enter me. Thanks.

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  4. I am a follower and an email subscriber. I'd love to read this book! Had a busy morning today going to garage sales with my granddaughter! Fun!

  5. Danger, thrills, espionage and romance make for a great book. I have already added to my wish list. Thanks for the opportunity to enter giveaway.

    I am just chilling it today. No plans.

    Old GFC follower and
    Email subscriber

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com


Thanks for adding a Scrap of your Life.