And now for my long awaited Review.... Did you guess???
My daughter was so excited when I selected this waffle maker to do a review on. She has been wanting me to get one so I jumped at the chance to do a review on this product. My what a product it is. We have been totally pleased with this waffle iron. It has made the best waffles. It is easy to use and clean up is very easy. Well, providing you don't use more batter than is suggested. But even at that I let the waffle maker cool and then started cleaning up the mess. A toothbrush cleans this maker right well. I love the chrome and black color very modern. We made several recipes with this iron. We used just the basic waffle recipe on the back of pancake mix and then we used the basic mix recipe that came with the waffle iron. We also had to try out the waffle brownie dessert that came in the instruction guide. It was superb!
The waffles come out golden and wonderful in color and texture. You can make the outside crispy with moist interior or make the whole waffle crispy. My family has chosen the moist interior setting. Someday maybe we'll have to try out the crispy waffle. There is a darkness button if you like y our waffles more or less golden. I can honestly say we haven't been disappointed with this waffle maker. May post the recipe sometime. Be on the Look out.

Now for the good news. You can enter to win my $60 gift code giveaway from the CSN stores and be on your way to finding out what a wonderful store they are. I'll draw a winner for the $60 on Sept. 1st. Check out the details here @ Scraps of Life or @ 4 the LOVE of BOOKS.
~*Opinions expressed in this post are strictly my own. I was not paid for this post. Thanks CSN on-line stores for providing the product and $60 gift code giveaway for this review.~*

Well, I guess I am too late to guess, but that is neat.