C.H. Spurgeon's Evening Devotional
Monday March 17, 2025

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."-Matthew 5:9
    This is the seventh of the beatitudes: and seven was the number of perfection among the Hebrews. It may be that the Saviour placed the peacemaker the seventh upon the list because he most nearly approaches the perfect man in Christ Jesus. He who would have perfect blessedness, so far as it can be enjoyed on earth, must attain to this seventh benediction, and become a peacemaker. There is a significance also in the position of the text. The verse which precedes it speaks of the blessedness of "the pure in heart: for they shall see God." It is well to understand that we are to be "first pure, then peaceable." Our peaceableness is never to be a compact with sin, or toleration of evil. We must set our faces like flints against everything which is contrary to God and His holiness: purity being in our souls a settled matter, we can go on to peaceableness. Not less does the verse that follows seem to have been put there on purpose. However peaceable we may be in this world, yet we shall be misrepresented and misunderstood: and no marvel, for even the Prince of Peace, by His very peacefulness, brought fire upon the earth. He Himself, though He loved mankind, and did no ill, was "despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief." Lest, therefore, the peaceable in heart should be surprised when they meet with enemies, it is added in the following verse, "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Thus, the peacemakers are not only pronounced to be blessed, but they are compassed about with blessings. Lord, give us grace to climb to this seventh beatitude! Purify our minds that we may be "first pure, then peaceable," and fortify our souls, that our peaceableness may not lead us into cowardice and despair, when for Thy sake we are persecuted.
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Thursday, September 12, 2013

on PINS and NEEDLES - Day #4

Today is my day for blog hop.  First I'd like to thank Madame Samm our leader and Kristen @ Meadowbrook our cheerleader.  She has kept us all on tack this summer. 
This has been one crazy month.  I've been on pins and needles as my baby graduated this summer so after 22 years of being a SAHM I'm now employed outside the home.  What a thing to get use to.  The day after labor day was my first day and boy have I been bogged; hit the ground running.  I need to come up for air and soon.  ;P  I know things will get easier as I get a schedule down but for now I'm treading water to stay afloat. 

At the moment I only have one of my pincushions completed.  
teacup pincushion
The second one sad to say is very incomplete....

I was beginning to make an apple core pincushion that I saw @ Sizzix Blog
Like I said we are very well not done with it.  Sorry

as far as I've gotten....it is still on the sewing machine. 

Scraps of Life (you are here)

Check out Madame Samm's Pinterest Board of all the blog hops:

butterfly changing colors photo butterfly_zps353e18d0.gif


  1. Nice work! I'm sure you'll find time to finish up the apple pin cushion. I'd be curious to see how it turns out.

  2. I like your tea- cup pin cushion. I have spare cups around so I will try it as I have seen a few on the blogs. Can't wait to see the apple core one finished.

  3. That apple core looks cool! Keep going.

  4. How great to hear that you got the job you were interviewing for at the last hop! Congratulations! It must be an enormous shift to make, but you will get used to it eventually and love it all over again. Till then I am sending you good thoughts! Work does tend to cut into your sewing time! Make sure to show of that pincushion when it is finished!

  5. The apple core one, is very interesting and your tea cup is pretty.

  6. Love the teacup, but I am always afraid to throw it over and that it will break.

    Warm regards from Holland,

  7. I love your pincushion, the apple core you can show later. Have fun finishing it!

  8. What a nice pincushion! I can't wait to see the second one too.

  9. Great pincushion. Can't wait to see your second one when it is finished.

  10. lovely pc and the apple one I bet will be delicious

  11. Nice! I think your apple looks like a great start!

  12. It will be cute as you have a great start !

  13. Never fear - you'll get used to it! blessings, marlene

  14. Lovely teacup pin cushion and great start on the apple core so keep going! Thanks for sharing.

  15. I love that pincushion cup and your apple one will be adorable, too, I'm sure. Going back to work after being a stay-at-home mom is tough. Been there, done that! Good luck with your new job!

  16. Hey, that is so cute! Did you glue it to the cup? Congrats on the new job - I pray you will soon get into a routine and feel comfortable in your new position!

  17. Great cup pincushion! I'll be hitting the thrift store after seeing some of the pincushions on this hop!

  18. Very nice teacup pincushion...thanks for sharing :)

  19. Lovely tea cup pin cushion! Thank you for sharing.

  20. Nice pin cushion and the apple core will be great

  21. I like your teacup and can't wait to see your apple when it is finished. thanks for sharing. vickise at gmail dot com

  22. I bet your happy one will turn out great. Thanks for sharing

  23. Cute little pinnie. I almost made the apple core one.
    Hang in there with going to work after being home all those years. Its tough to face empty nest and working at the same time. It will get better.

  24. Love seeing that tea cup used as a pin cushion. Very nice. I'm sure your apple core project is almost done. Thanks for showing your process today.

  25. Going back to work after being a SAHM for a while is no small matter! Get your "sea legs" again and then you'll have time for more sewing! Your little tea cup pin cushion is so pretty. I think your apple looks like it will be too!

  26. That is sweet, why can't you make the apple core?

  27. Pretty cup and pincushion. I sew relate. Getting my work schedule and having enough energy kind of throws life into a spin at times.

  28. Pincushions are so comforting to needles and pins. Yours will be wonderful. Creative Bliss and Great Hop...

  29. You got one done, don't beat yourself up. Back to work is hard. Give it time, and it will all fall into place.

  30. I do like that pincushion. I hope that you will show us the apple when its completed!! Looks really cute.


  31. Good luck in your new job! I'm transitioning, too, so I know how you feel. You will be fine, using sewing to relax when there is some time. I like the teacup pinnie so much, and the apple one is going to be awesome!

  32. Such pretty colors in your teacup pincushion. I looked at the link for the apple core.... it's gonna be a cute one!


  33. Very pretty teacup pincushion. Your apple core pincushion will be adorable when finished.

  34. I love your teacup pincushion. Good luck in your job. I can't wait to see your apple core . I need to look that one up. I hope you have a nice relaxing weekend.
    xo jan@sewandsowfar.

  35. I love the teacup cushion - good luck in your new job, it is difficult finding time to fit it all in isn't it! Enjoy the apple core one too. Thanks for sharing and sorry I am late visiting.

  36. Thanks for sharing your tea cup pin cushion. Very nice. Best wishes as you find a rhythm in the work world. Transitions are not easy but you will do well.

  37. Thanks for sharing your pincushion.

  38. No need to apologize---you got one done and the other is started. The change in routine will take some adjustment and carving out some sewing time here and there may be one of the things to make time for. You can get a lot done in 15 minutes, amazingly.

    The teacup IS lovely.

  39. Your teacup pincushion is so sweet! Great job!
    I have left projects on the machine like that before:) Too funny!!!

  40. How well I remember returning to work after several years hiatus; it's tough getting used to the whole business!! You'll catch on, I'm sure. The teacup pincushion is so sweet and will be a joy to use. Your apple is more than an idea so 'pat yourself on the back' for gathering supplies and starting the sewing process.

  41. Cute tea cup pincushion. Don't worry, you will get into a routine and get everything done. Thanks for sharing.

  42. Your apple cushion will be lovely when finished; I hope you get some nice, relaxing, sewing time soon!

  43. This happens to all of us... hope you find the time to finish it up. New routines are exhausting!

  44. Hi!!! Very pretty tea cup pinnie!!! Thank You

  45. That's a great way to reuse a teacup!

  46. Good luck with your new job. Take time, sometimes only a few minutes at a time, for yourself....it is worth it.


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