C.H. Spurgeon's Morning Devotional
Sunday March 16, 2025

"I am a stranger with thee."-Psalm 39:12
    Yes, O Lord, with Thee, but not to Thee. All my natural alienation from Thee, Thy grace has effectually removed; and now, in fellowship with Thyself, I walk through this sinful world as a pilgrim in a foreign country. Thou art a stranger in Thine own world. Man forgets Thee, dishonours Thee, sets up new laws and alien customs, and knows Thee not. When Thy dear Son came unto His own, His own received Him not. He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not. Never was foreigner so speckled a bird among the denizens of any land as Thy beloved Son among His mother's brethren. It is no marvel, then, if I who live the life of Jesus, should be unknown and a stranger here below. Lord, I would not be a citizen where Jesus was an alien. His pierced hand has loosened the cords which once bound my soul to earth, and now I find myself a stranger in the land. My speech seems to these Babylonians among whom I dwell an outlandish tongue, my manners are singular, and my actions are strange. A Tartar would be more at home in Cheapside than I could ever be in the haunts of sinners. But here is the sweetness of my lot: I am a stranger with Thee. Thou art my fellow-sufferer, my fellow-pilgrim. Oh, what joy to wander in such blessed society! My heart burns within me by the way when thou dost speak to me, and though I be a sojourner, I am far more blest than those who sit on thrones, and far more at home than those who dwell in their ceiled houses.
    "To me remains nor place, nor time:
    My country is in every clime;
    I can be calm and free from care
    On any shore, since God is there.
    While place we seek, or place we shun,
    The soul finds happiness in none:
    But with a God to guide our way,
    'Tis equal joy to go or stay."
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Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Scrapper's Christmas Story by: Maria J. Andrade

An angel tells the heartwarming story of a small, homeless, dog who longs for a loving family and by an amazing turn of events, Scrapper finds a home on Christmas Day!

Title: Scrapper’s Christmas Story
Author: Maria J. Andrade
Publisher: Clara Publishing
Publication Date: November 18, 2022
Pages: 36
Genre: Children’s Fiction

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An angel tells the heartwarming story of a small, homeless, dog who wanders through busy streets longing for a loving family. The enchanting Scrapper’s  Christmas Story, is a children’s book that is sure to captivate young hearts this holiday season.

Written in a captivating style reminiscent of classic children’s books, Scrapper’s Christmas Story, takes young readers on a magical journey filled with friendship, wonder, and the true spirit of Christmas. Follow the lovable Scrapper, alone, cold, and friendless, as he embarks on an unforgettable adventure, where he is befriended by the kindness of an immigrant man who also knows the need to belong. Both dog and man discover the magic of the holiday season and the joy of giving.

Scrapper’s Christmas Story, is ideal for children of all ages, making it the perfect choice for parents, grandparents, and loved ones seeking a heartwarming story to share during the holiday season!

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A sweet nostalgic Christmas story. What a beautiful story.  What a time to show kindness at Christmas.  I loved this story.  This would be a good book to add to your Christmas collection and bring out year after year.  It reminded me of an old golden book that my daughter would beg for when she was small.  Oh I wish I had kept all those old golden books that we had for my grandkids. 

Book Excerpt

"I am an angel and I will tell you a story this Christmas Day. It is a story about a small dog. He was the smallest in a group of three street dogs who had no home. Small dog would often look for food where he could. Sometimes he found scraps of food near the garbage cans or he ate food which has been dropped on the street. He also got food from a kind man who fed him.

Often he would go to an alley with the other dogs because there they would be fed by Mr. Rosario, a good man who worked in a business nearby.

But small dog was the last to eat because the bigger dogs pushed him out. Mr. Rosario had tried to catch the dogs so they wouldn't be homeless, but they always ran away when he got close.

One day Mr. Rosario stood there looking at the smaller dog who was waiting behind the pack to eat. He said, "Small dog, I will call you "Scrapper, because you only get scraps of food and that is not enough even for a small dog like you."

About the Author

Maria J. Andrade was born in Ecuador, South America, and raised in New York and California. She has a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of La  Verne, California and retired from private practice after thirty eight years.  For over twenty-five years, Maria’s books for children and adults have been found in a variety of genres and book stores.

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Thanks for adding a Scrap of your Life.