C.H. Spurgeon's Evening Devotional
Thursday March 13, 2025

"Then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark."-Genesis 8:9
    Wearied out with her wanderings, the dove returns at length to the ark as her only resting place. How heavily she flies-she will drop-she will never reach the ark! But she struggles on. Noah has been looking out for his dove all day long, and is ready to receive her. She has just strength to reach the edge of the ark, she can hardly alight upon it, and is ready to drop, when Noah puts forth his hand and pulls her in unto him. Mark that: "pulled her in unto him." She did not fly right in herself, but was too fearful, or too weary to do so. She flew as far as she could, and then he put forth his hand and pulled her in unto him. This act of mercy was shown to the wandering dove, and she was not chidden for her wanderings. Just as she was she was pulled into the ark. So you, seeking sinner, with all your sin, will be received. "Only return"-those are God's two gracious words-"only return." What! nothing else? No, "only return." She had no olive branch in her mouth this time, nothing at all but just herself and her wanderings; but it is "only return," and she does return, and Noah pulls her in. Fly, thou wanderer; fly thou fainting one, dove as thou art, though thou thinkest thyself to be black as the raven with the mire of sin, back, back to the Saviour. Every moment thou waitest does but increase thy misery; thine attempts to plume thyself and make thyself fit for Jesus are all vanity. Come thou to Him just as thou art. "Return, thou backsliding Israel." He does not say, "Return, thou repenting Israel" (there is such an invitation doubtless), but "thou backsliding one," as a backslider with all thy backslidings about thee, Return, return, return! Jesus is waiting for thee! He will stretch forth His hand and "pull thee in"-in to Himself, thy heart's true home.
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Friday, August 25, 2023

The Hill - In Theaters starting Aug. 25

Ready for a awesome movie! Bring your family to see this inspiring movie in theaters starting 8/25!  This is very clean, family oriented movie. No foul language.  There are a few smoking scenes. I was a little upset that they had to have them smoking in the church building during church service while the pastor was preaching. 

The theme throughout the movie Never give up on hope!  

This is a very inspirational and encouraging movie. I was so encouraged by this movie. It is so hard to find a good movie that isn't corrupted by the world's views and what they want to push on everyone as being Biblical and right way of life.  


 Synopsis: Growing up impoverished in small-town Texas, young Rickey Hill shows an extraordinary ability for hitting a baseball, despite being burdened by leg braces from a degenerative spinal disease. His stern, pastor father (DENNIS QUAID) discourages Rickey from playing baseball to protect him from injury, and to have him follow in his footsteps and become a preacher. As a young man, Rickey (COLIN FORD) becomes a baseball phenomenon. His desire to participate in a try-out for a legendary major league scout divides the family and threatens Rickey’s dream of playing professional baseball. 

Based on a true story, THE HILL is directed by Jeff Celentano and also stars JOELLE CARTER, country music singer and songwriter RANDY HOUSER,
Golden Globe nominee BONNIE BEDELIA, and SCOTT GLENN.

Buy your tickets here

Giveaway: $10 Amazon giftcard
(Note: This is limited to US winners only. )

Leave a comment below. Be sure to leave a contact email.  I will select a winner Tues. Aug. 29th after 12 PM CT. 

Many thanks to Briarcliff Entertainment, LLC for providing a sample of the product for
this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

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 #TheHillMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork

1 comment:

  1. Love to win your giveaway Thanks for the review on this movie


Thanks for adding a Scrap of your Life.