I found this article on Labor saving housework ideas so thought I'd post it today since it is Labor Day and all.... Well, I'm posting a teaser you'll have to go to Anne Elliot's site, Anne's Coffee Break, to get the full article....
Here are some more labor-saving housework ideas we use in our home:
- I make a menu every week, writing it on a special menu form I made and posting it on the side of our refrigerator. When the week is over, I save my menus in a 3-ring binder. Next Labor Day, my menu is all planned, saving me 30 minutes a week.
- My rule for choosing what to make for dinner is that it can take no longer than 10-20 minutes in the kitchen for prep work and no longer than 10 minutes at the end to go from oven or stovetop to table. Racing the timer helps me achieve this.
- We eat the same kind of foods on the same nights each week. Sunday is pot roast, Monday is hamburger-something, Tuesday is chicken-something, Wednesday is Mexican, Thursday is Try-Something-New, Friday is pizza, and Saturday is crockpot or leftovers. This saves me brain energy.
- I use a grocery list that is already mostly filled in with items I buy each week. I’ve also arranged it in order of the aisles in the stores where I shop, so I can zoom up one aisle and down the next, and be outta there in 15-30 minutes. I keep a pad of paper on the side of the fridge to write down items we run out of during the week. It only takes a minute to add these items to my pre-made shopping list.
- You probably seen this picture on my blog before, but my refrigerator is “Command Central.” Honestly, my brain is permanently located here. The left side of the fridge (which you can’t see in the picture) even has all the recipes posted that I use often.

Click here to read the whole article....
Have a Happy Day
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Thanks for adding a Scrap of your Life.